Monthly Archives: August 2013
Monday. Never kind. Even now.
This morning, I got up early, straightened my hair, put on a dress and drove down to the unemployment office to be there when they started processing claims. I got there 15 minutes early, and there was already a line. … Continue reading
Filed under Life
No, wait, I could totally do that
One of my current favorite shows is “Bar Rescue” on Spike. I’ve been a fan of this show from the moment I saw it because almost my entire adult life, I’ve told people that not only could I open a … Continue reading
Fancy book learning v. 2.0
Tonight, I finished the sixth course in my master’s program. What has two thumbs and is now halfway to signing her name with a pretentious “…, MBA” at the end? THIS GIRL. No, but seriously. I’m not going to sign … Continue reading
Filed under School
Let me explain. No. There is too much. Let me sum up.
“It may be that your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.” In case you’re just joining us … In the last five months, my mother died following what should have been outpatient surgery … Continue reading
Filed under Life